"Using Blogs in Education" (November 9-14) was a big hit!
Our blurb:
Educational Technology is now a must in the classroom. The Internet and the www is a world known to all our students. They have grown up with technology and it is pervasive in their lives. They are the web generation! They associate computers with entertainment and fun. If the classroom can be converted into a forum of “edutainment” - everyone wins.
and off we went from there. There were more than 25 participants and the forums were full of interesting and relevant discussions.
I learned a lot and came away with a Term 2 Year 8 (PhotoStory3) project.
Life Round Here http://liferoundhere.pbwiki.com/
Can't wait!
1 comment:
:-) I hadn't read the blurb for quite a while. Did we write that? impressive. LOL
It was really a great workshop with so many enthusiastic should sharing and giving tips away just like that. The conversation became so fluid while the time escaped so fast. We were speaking the same enthusiastic language, and that wasn't only English! ;-)
Thanks for co-moderating such a great week!
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