Sunday, July 15, 2007

Where to begin?

Information Technology (IT) is a bit like having spent too much time trying to find just the right outfit to go out in and then rushing to get to the theater only to get caught in a lot of traffic and finally sitting down to watch the movie (that you've waited all week to see) after it has already started.

So it's time to settle in with your computer (a bowl of popcorn at hand) and begin. The bits you've missed so far will soon become evident . . .


Cristina Costa said...

Congrats on another great blog.
I will be a regular visitor. ;-)

ceyo said...

"The bits you've missed so far will soon become evident . . ."

Your going-to-the-movies metaphor is a brilliant way to describe authentic learning...especially in today's perpetually beta environment.

We and our students either are filled in as we go, eventually, or maybe it's something that we missed that we didn't need from the start.

I'm going to have to reflect some (and blog some) more on that.

Charles Youngs
(If Bees Are Few)